I'm driving home from work this morning on some 2 lane roads. I am behind a truck, but we're not crawling along, so it's OK. It's nice & sunny and I am enjoying the relaxing drive.
Before I know it, some tail-gating asshole is right up on my ass. He actually starts leaning to the left in his seat, almost sticking his head out the driver's side window. Then he's riding the yellow center line, looking for opportunities to pass me & the truck. Problem is, he doesn't STOP riding the yellow line at any point while he is behind me. All I can think is, "I'm NOT gonna do anything to SAVE your dumb ass when you get into a head-on crash." He recklessly passes me and the truck, without much room from oncoming traffic. What a dick.
Several miles later, I find myself behind HIM at a traffic light. I notice what looks like a cell phone up against his right ear. I said to myself, "No wonder he's driving like such an asshole--he's talking on his cell phone!" Then he starts moving his head around, giving me a clear view of his head. When I noticed that he had a matched
set, I realized NO he WASN'T on a cell. Those were his EARS. Holy Fucking Shit on a Stick.